Indian Flags

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

indian religion

Religion in India is as diverse as its geography and culture. In India religion plays a very important part. Religion is an essential part of everyday life for most Indians. According to the constitution India is a secular republic.

Indian citizens are free to follow any religion and faith. Indians worship different Gods in many different ways. Religion with its rituals and philosophy forms the life style of any average individual born and brought up in India.

India has also created a platform for many religions from all over the world. However the main religions of India, which are actively practiced in the country are ¬Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Judaism.

Over 80% of Indians practice Hinduism, 13.45% of Indians practice Islam, 2.35% Christianity, 1.94% Sikhism. Popular faiths like Jainism and Buddhism, which have originated in India, have acquired the status of world religions today. But Zoroastrians or Parsis and Judais or Bahais are a disappearing minority in India now.

All religions of India have a wide reach and are recognized for their strength all over the globe. Indian society follows a rigid caste system. Indian people normally marry within their own communities. However most Indians have a tolerant attitude towards other castes and communities. India has preserved its secular outlook through volatile a history of foreign invasions.

The freedom to practice any religion of his choice is a fundamental right of every Indian citizen. There is an ongoing attempt to modify the Indian constitution in order to establish a uniform civil code for all Indian citizens. This concept is still in the process of taking manifestation as a directive principal. Religious communities follow their own personal codes for now. However Indian law is the same for people of all communities in India.

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