Indian Flags

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

indian families

In India, family forms the basic unit of society. An individual is ideally nurtured and taught within a typical Indian family, which often extends beyond the immediate to the joint family structure.

Globalization and western influence have failed to change the character of Indian family life even today.

Family life varies with regional diversity in India in terms of religion, culture, traditions, rituals and general life style. This is also dictated by caste and class in many cases.

Traditional roles in family structure are changing in urban areas but even modern and educated families imbibe the intrinsic values of family life in India.

Indians tend to give priority to the welfare of the family unit as whole. Individuals are brought up in a group situation and taught to remain united and support each other for progress.

Many Indians still live in the joint family system where elders are valued and protected and youngsters nurtured and cherished. Children are ensured family support and taught to honor their responsibility towards the whole family from the beginning.

Family ties are very important to Indians. Arranged marriages within the caste are still common all over the country. Men are required to support the family economically through out their life.

The traditional role of a woman is to look after the domestic chores like cooking, child-care and service to the elders. Working women in urban areas are also expected to fulfill their domestic responsibilities.

The joint family in its conventional form as a rigid institution has undergone many changes with rapid urbanization and growing forces of individualism in modern India.

Many families have started living differently in practice, while retaining the basic ideals of group caring and sharing. Actual living arrangements depend on socio-economic factors and personal circumstances, but strong family ties abide in the form of financial and social support.

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